"...control food and you control the people." Former Secretary of State - Henry Kissinger

Medical & Health History

Confidential –   Download ->  Medical & Health History Information Record

Please Print

Name:  ____________________________________________________Date:  _____________________

Address:  __________________________ City:  __________________State:  _________Zip:  _________

Home Phone:  ______________________Work:  __________________ Mobile:  ___________________

Email:  _______________________________________________________________________________

Occupation:  ______________________________ Employer:  __________________________________

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy)____________________Marital Status:  _______________________________

Number of children:  ________________________  Ages:  _____________________________________

What is/was the health of your mother?  ___________________________________________________

What is/was the health of your father?  ____________________________________________________

What is/was the health of your siblings?  ___________________________________________________

Emergency Contact (Name & Phone)  ______________________________________________________

Name of primary care physician:  ________________________________ Phone:  ___________________

Main health concern or condition:  ________________________________________________________

Reason for today’s appointment:  _________________________________________________________

How long have you had this condition?  ____________________________________________________

Have you been treated for this condition by another health care provider?  ________________________

Do you consider yourself overweight?  ____________ how much________________________________

Do you consider yourself stressed?  _______ stress level:  (0=none/10=extreme) ___________________

Do you know your Body Mass Index?  _______________ if yes, what is it?  ________________________

Are you now, or have you ever been a cigarette smoker?  ________________ Packs a Day ___________

Years smoked ____________ if you quit, when?  _________________  Do you want to Quit?  ________

How did you hear about Health-eOptions, LLC?  _____________________________________________

Please list all of the prescription medications, nutritional supplements, over the counter medications, homeopathic, remedies, herbs, or other substances you are currently taking.

Name of Medication (other)                            Dosage                                                         Frequency

(Example)  Tylenol                                         250 mg.                                                              Once Daily



Immunizations:  Polio ___ Small Pox ____ Tetanus _____ Measles/Mumps/Rubella _____Pneumonia___

Please list any known allergens (food, drug, etc.)  _____________________________________________

Please list any recent medical tests results you have, such as blood tests, etc.


Please list any major illnesses, surgeries, hospitalizations, or injuries. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Personal History & Risk Factors

(Please place an “X” by all that apply for you.


____ Cancer: type____________              ____Easy Brusing                                       ____Mumps

____Heart Disease                                         ____Hepatitis: type_______                     ____Chickenpox

____Diabetes                                                   ____Thyroid disease                                      ____Small Pox

____Auto-immune disease                        ____Kidney Disease                                       ____Measles

____Fibromyalgia                                            ____Lupus                                                         ____Candida

____Anemia                                                      ____Rashes                                                       ____Eczema/Hives

____Alcoholism               /Drugs                                  ____AIDS/HIV                                                  ____Dental issues






____ Anxiety/Fear                                        ____Anger/Frustration                                 ____Grief/Sadness

____Lack of Joy/Mania                                 ____Worry/Over-thinking                           ____Depression

____ADD or ADHD                                          ____Panic Attacks                                           ____Alzheimer’s

____Dementia                                                 ____Dizziness/lightheaded                         ____Fainting

____Mood Swings                                          ____Mind Races                                              ____Trouble Sleeping

____Bipolar Disorder                                     ____Brain Fog                                                   ____Confusion

____Irritability                                                  ____Obsessive/Compulsive                       ____Poor Memory

____Numbness/Tingling                              ____Insomnia                                                   ____Loss of Balance



____ Abdominal Pain/Epigastric               ____ Appetite Loss                                       ____Clay Colored Stools

____Nausea                                                      ____Irregular bowel movements             ____Hemorrhoids

____Heartburn                                                ____Gall Bladder Disease/Stones            ____Blood in stool

____Indigestion               /Belching                             ____Black tarry stools                                   ____Vomiting/Nausea

____Diarrhea                                                    ____Irritable Bowel Syndrome                  ____Ulcers

____Constipation                                            ____Liver problems                                       ____Gas

____Changes in appetite                             ____Leaky Gut Syndrome                           ____Bloating



____ Impaired Vision                                    ____ Ringing in the ears               ____Glasses/contacts

____Headaches                                                               ____Frequent Sore Throats/colds           ____Sinusitis

____Earaches                                                   ____Tearing/Dryness                                    ____Teeth grinding

____Allergies                                                    ____Gum Disease                                           ____Bronchitis

____Asthma                                                      ____Nose Bleeds                                            ____Hair Loss

____Slow wound healing                             ____Cough                                                        ____Wheezing

____Pneumonia                                              ____Shortness of Breath                             ____Valley Fever


____ Heart Disease                                       ____ Heart Attack                                          ____Pacemaker

____High Blood Pressure                             ____Low Blood Pressure                             ____Stroke

____High Cholesterol                                    ____Chest Pain                                                                ____Palpitations

____Varicose Veins                                        ____Irregular Heart Beats                           ____Angina

____Arteriosclerosis                                      ____High Triglycerides                                  ____Arrhythmia

____Angioplasty                                              ____Poor Circulation                                     ____Lump in throat



____ Back Pain                                                ____ Neck/Shoulder Pain                           ____Muscle Spasms

____Joint Stiffness                                         ____Body Aches & Pain                                                ____Weakness

____Osteoporosis                                          ____Arthritis                                                     ____Gout

____Muscle Cramps                                      ____Fractures                                                  ____Bursitis




____ Kidney Disease                                     ____ Kidney Stones                                      ____Blood in urine

____Bedwetting                                              ____Difficulty starting flow                         ____Burning urination

____Discharge                                                  ____Scanty urination                                     ____Painful urination

____Urination during the night                 ____Dribbling after flow                              ____Frequent urination



____ Painful periods                                     ____ Heavy Flow                                            ____PMS

____Breast Tenderness                                               ____Moodiness                                                               ____Clotting

____Fibroids                                                     ____Nipple discharge                                    ____Ovarian Cysts

____Other:  _________________________________________________________________________

Are you pregnant now?  ____________________ Method of birth Control ______________________

Age at first period:  ___________________________ Start date of last menses:  _________________

Age at Menopause___________________________  Length of period:  ________________________

Hysterectomy?  Yes______ No_____  Date:  ______________________________________________

Hormone replacement therapy  Yes_____ No________ Type_________________________________



____ Impotence                                             ____ Testicular Pain/swelling/redness

____Low libido                                                 ____Prostate problems

____Seminal emissions                                ____Vasectomy:  Date_______________________________

Other:  ____________________________________________________________________________



____ Sweet Cravings                                    ____ Sugar Reactions                                   ____Hypoglycemia

____Starch Cravings                                       ____Fat Cravings                                             ____Food Allergies

____Excessive Hunger                                  ____Stress Eating                                            ____Cannot skip meals

____No Hunger                                                               ____Other Food Cravings                            ____Mindless eating

____Irritable before meals                         ____Sleepy after meals                                                ____Large Portions

____Sugary Drinks                                          ____Indigestion after meals                       ____Salt Cravings


How many times do you eat out?  __________ Fast food__________________


What types of meals to you usually eat out?  (example)  Lunch burgers

How many times to you cook per week?  ___________________________________________________

What meals do you usually cook at home?  (example) dinner ___________________________________

Are you a Vegetarian?  ___________________ Vegan?  ________________________________________

Are you on a restricted diet?  _____________________________ if yes, type:  _____________________

What diets have you tried?  ______________________________________________________________

When?  ___________________________________________________________________________

Have you been a participant in any kind of dietary education?  ________________When?  ___________

Who was the presenter?  (American Heart Association, etc)_________________________________

Do you drink coffee?  ______ how many cups?  ______ do you drink soft drinks?  _____ how many ____


Please list the foods that you normally have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and the time you normally consume them.


Typical Breakfast:  ______________________________________________Time:  __________________

Typical Lunch:  _________________________________________________Time:  __________________

Typical Dinner:  ________________________________________________________________________

Typical Snacks:  ________________________________________________________________________

Please complete a 24 hours recall for the most typical days – form is attached.


General Lifestyle:


How many hours do you sleep?     _________________  Do you sleep well?  _____________________


Do you have different habits for sleep on weekends (days off?)  _______________________________

If so, what are they?  ________________________________________________________________

How do you feel when you vary your sleep habits?  ________________________________________


Do you exercise?  ________________________ How often?  _________________________________


What type of exercise do you do?  ______________________________________________________


Do you have a ‘desk’ job?  ________________  If yes, how many hours do you sit?  ______________


What is your energy Level?  (great, good, fair, poor)  Comments:  _____________________________


What time of day is your energy level the highest?  ________________________________________


Do you consume energy drinks?  ____________________________if so, which ones?  ____________


What do you do when your energy level is low?  (example:  reach for a candy bar, etc.)  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Please list the top four goals you wish to achieve in regards to your health and general well-being:

  1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Is there any information that was not covered in this questionnaire that you feel is important to comment on?  If yes, please explain:  _____________________________________________________________________________________




Please Read and Sign



Balanced Lifestyles does NOT release any health information on this form or otherwise sensitive health information over the phone, or any other media except to the client signing this form in person with proper ID.


The above information is true to the best of my knowledge, I understand and accept that I am responsible for full payment of any account and that payment is expected at the time of service.  Balanced Lifestyles does not take insurance, but will be happy to assist by an itemized invoice to be submitted to your insurance carrier.


By signing this Information form, I understand that Balanced Lifestyles’ nutritional balancing is a means to reduce stress, balance the body chemistry, and educate on the development of a healthier lifestyle, and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any condition or disease; and works as an unlicensed nutrition coach/consultant.


Signed:  ______________________________________________________Date:  ___________________








Patient Information

For Office use:

Height:  ____________________  Weight:  _________________   Age:  _______________________

Blood Pressure:  __________/______________  Heart Rate:  _______________________________

Blood Sugar ____________________________

Eye Sight:  _____________________________

Eating habits:  __________________________

Sleep habits:  ___________________________


Goals:  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

24 Hour Recall food list:  Please include all foods and beverages:


Breakfast _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lunch _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dinner _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Snacks _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How did you feel?  Were you tired?  Energized?  Stressed?   _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Water:  (total number of glasses) _________________________________________________________

Vitamins:  Which type and amount:  _______________________________________________________



Authorization Form

I, ___________________________________________________, in affixing my signature to this authorization form, do hereby agree to and understand the following:

  1. That Brenda Bilek, PhD, is a natural health counselor who is legally able to instruct and educate others in self-help methods of health such as the use of proper exercise, diet, nutritional supplements, water, sunshine, fresh air, herbs, rest and attitude;
  2. That Brenda Bilek, PhD in no context of the phrase “practices medicine” and therefore does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, administer, cure, heal or otherwise perform a duty that is reserved for those who are licensed to do so;
  3. That the instruction concerning a healthful lifestyle is incidental to any particular illnesses and diseases I may have and is therefore not made in direct reference to these;
  4. Any healing of illnesses or diseases I may experience as a result of following the instruction of Brenda Bilek, PhD, was purely the result of the body itself once a naturally correct way of living was employed, for it is only the body that heals itself, not any person;
  5. That no claims or guarantees have been made as to any health benefits that may result from my following instruction given by Brenda Bilek, PhD, concerning a naturally correct way of living;
  6. That the instruction given by Brenda Bilek, PhD, in no way replaces proper medical care, and that I am free to choose a naturally right lifestyle;
  7. That under penalty of perjury I am not an agent of any branch of the federal, state, or local government for any agency thereof, with intent to entrap or entice Brenda Bilek, her staff, employees and/or associates into breaking any federal, state, or local law whatsoever, acting either on my own behalf or on behalf of the agency of the government or on behalf of any government agency directly;

Signed:  _________________________________________________________________________

Date:  __________________________________________________________________________





I specifically authorize Brenda Bilek, PhD, Certified Health Coach, a non-licensed consultant, to perform nutritional determination to develop a natural complementary health improvement program for me that may include dietary guidelines, nutritional supplements, exercise, educational materials, etc., in order to assist me in improving my health and not for the treatment or ‘cure’ of any disease.

I understand that nutritional determination is safe, non-invasive and uses natural methods of analyzing the body’s physical and nutritional needs, and that deficiencies or imbalance in these areas could cause or contribute to various health problems.

I understand that nutritional determinations are not methods for ‘diagnosing’ or the ‘treatment’ of any disease or medical condition.

No promise or guarantee has been made regarding the results of any natural health, nutritional or dietary programs recommended, but rather I understand that these determinations, if utilized, are ways by which the body’s responses can be used as an aid to determine possible nutritional imbalances, so that safe, natural programs can be developed for the purpose of bringing about a better state of health.

I have read and understand the foregoing

This permission form applies to subsequent visits and consultations.

Print Name:  ___________________________________________________________________

Address:  ______________________________________________________________________

City:  __________________________________State:  ______________________Zip:  ________

Phone:  ________________________________________________________________________

Signed:  _______________________________________________________Date:  ____________

(If minor, signature of parent or legal guardian required)